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Swedish Maffia CS Clan
Sha Deesain

Cs.net (Offical)
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Server.cs.net (Offical)
United Admins

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#1 FrankJScott 12756
#2 Fren 7556
#3 magnus 7066
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#9 mts 4658
#10 Serpent 4497

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03-01 Fenan 100 kr
02-28 Lunki 20 kr
02-27 [GTI]Cat 200 kr
02-26 Fren 50 kr
02-01 Fenan 100 kr
01-28 Lunki 20 kr
01-26 [GTI]Cat 200 kr
01-26 Fren 50 kr
01-01 Fenan 100 kr
12-28 Lunki 20 kr
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Regler för Swedish Maffia Community
Allmänna Regler
Counter-Strike Regler
Ventrilo Regler
General Rules
Counter-Strike Rules
Ventrilo Rules

The Ventrilo service is provided to Swedish Maffia Community Members.

We are more than happy to support clans that are supporting Swedish Maffia Community with a private Clan-Ventriloroom. Contact us at #swm.se @quakenet if you are intressed or if you have further questions.

Follow the rules below, if you break these rules, you risk: loosing your clanroom, get banned from ventrilo or maybe even all Swedish Maffias services.

Always Idle in #swm.se to show us that you know who we are. Ventrilon is, as said before, provided to our members that are active in this Community. Please make it a habit to idle in our channel and play on our servers to take part of Swedish Maffia Ventrilo.

Always connect with your realnick to Swedish Maffia Ventrilo. We have the habit of kicking people who we belive don`t have the right to be there. It would be sad if we kick you out in a middle of a important match just becouse we did`nt recognized your fakenick.

Don`t be AFK for longer periods, for example if you go to sleep. Disconnect instead.

It`s not allowed to lend out your clanroom to other people outside the clan
Clanroom should mainly be used by the clan. However it is allowed to play with a standin/prospect or a tryout. But the maingroup of the people that are using the room should be clanmates or people known to Swedish Maffia Community.

A very simple rule to follow is that the clanrooms you have been given have to be used. We don`t want to end up with a bunch of rooms that are empty. We would really appreciate if you take the time to notify us if you don`t intend to use the room any more.

Clans that we have choosen to sponsoring with a private Clanroom, shall always show Swedish Maffias values outwards. We don`t want to be associate to unserious and/or inmature clans. This obviousy includes cheat, racism or harrasment of a fellow person.

Private rooms
The private rooms are only for the people that are active in Swedish Maffia Community. Who have read and accepted our rules.With that you are not allowed to give out the password for Swedish Maffia Ventrilo.

If you are intend to be more than 15 persons in a room, please contact a admin for approval. (This always applies for guilds)

The privatroom will automaticly be erased if nothing of the following is fulfilled.
- If there is nobody in the room after 10 mins.
- If there is less than 2 persons in the room under atleast 10 mins after the first 60 mins.

The time is now 9:03
All times are GMT + 1 Hour

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